Thoughts on Week 1 Reading

I found it very interesting, I definitely see the benefits of utilising this tool for both students and teachers and the allowed interconnectivity it facilitates between all parties, however, the realisation that it goes beyond that to a wider audience, and by that I mean any person in the world with the capabilities and desire, could be privy to these inner thoughts as well, is quite a daunting prospect.

I do feel that having it as part of the structured assessment criteria is a fantastic way to ensure that the information is put to practical use and also being observed from an external point of view, allows an avenue for constructive criticism which can only result in more efficient and effective future work.

Having spent the time I have within the Military, I am very aware of the delicate nature in which sensitive information must be handled when dealing with a forum that is accessible to the wider public, which was reaffirmed to me whilst reading through the document, so I am quite confident that my previous experience will definitely benefit me here.

I thought the read was good.

The Beginning

I am certainly heading into unfamiliar territory having spent the better part of a decade within the regimented, structured environment of the military, now finding myself back in a classroom environment embarking on a new degree in the hope that maybe dreams can become a reality.

From tanks in Afghanistan to computers in a workshop is an apparent juxtaposition that is quite daunting. One thing that is familiar is a strong sense of ethos and clearly defined codes of conduct, which can be found at student charter.